Red Panda Adventures

The Red Panda Adventures is a lighthearted radio drama series in the style of old time radio that follows the 1930s adventures of "Canada's greatest superhero", the Red Panda, and his trusty sidekick, the "fearless fighting female", the Flying Squirrel, as they protect the citizens of Toronto, Ontario from villains ranging from gangsters and supervillains to the supernatural forces of darkness. The series was created by Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre and earned the company multiple Podcast Award and Parsec Award nominations. In 2010 the series won the Parsec Award for excellence in Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form), and earned Decoder Ring Theatre the Podcast Award for best podcast in the Cultural/Arts Category.[1] The series has spawned a series of novels written within continuity and in the style of the classic pulp fiction stories of the 1930s and '40s. "The Tales of the Red Panda" books includes the 2011 winner of the Pulp Ark Award for best New Pulp Fiction Novel, Tales of the Red Panda: The Android Assassins.[2] Decoder Ring Theatre was profiled on the BBC Television program "Click" in February 2011,[3] leading to new exposure for the Red Panda Adventures in the UK.


Current series


Dramatis Personae

The Terrific Twosome of Toronto

Agents and Allies

The Forces of Evil

Former Foes

Foes Mentioned But Never Seen

Other Groups and Persons of Interest

Original Universe Red Panda Mini-Series

Recorded years earlier, the original Red Panda mini-series was made up of six episodes set during World War II and was the original appearance of the Red Panda character. The name and the character's hypnotic powers are all that remain of the original Red Panda in the current series of podcasts. In episode 24 of The Red Panda Adventures, it was revealed that the world of these stories still exists in an alternate universe from which travel is possible. The original series had a far sillier tone, parodying many tropes of the patriotic superhero radio dramas of the 1940s, right down to product placement and appeals to buy war bonds. The lack of punching/kicking sound effects during fight scenes (mostly composed of enraged grunting and cries of agony) in the series unwittingly adds to the hilarity of these episodes.

Dramatis Personae


  1. ^ "2010 Parsec Awards Winners & Finalists". Parsec Awards. 
  3. ^ "BBC Click". BBC TV. 18 February 2011. 
  4. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 17: Merlin's Tomb. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006
  5. ^ Ibid.
  6. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 22: The Black Hand. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2007
  7. ^ ibid
  8. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 21: The Big Top. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2007
  9. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 37: The Third Wave. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2008
  10. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 6: Death Danced at Midnight. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006
  11. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 37: The Third Wave. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2008
  12. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 37: The Third Wave. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2008
  13. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 13: The Hand of Fate. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006
  14. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Tales of the Red Panda: The Crime Cabal. Age of Adventure Publishing: 2008.
  15. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 13: The Hand of Fate. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006
  16. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 13: The Hand of Fate. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006
  17. ^ Taylor, Gregg. Red Panda Adventures episode 7: Red Panda: Dead or Alive. Podcast. dir. and prod. Decoder Ring Theatre. Toronto, ON. 2006

External links